Spider-Man: Miles Morales Challenge Skills Guide

June 2020 · 2 minute read

Spider-Man: Miles Morales presents three separate skill trees to develop the brand new Spider-Man into his own style, but there is an additional section removed from the rest that should garner attention. Challenge Abilities sit below the other skill trees and differentiate themselves by not requiring skill point investment to unlock the included abilities.

Challenge Abilities are unlocked by tackling the three different challenge types throughout New York City. Completing Combat, Traversal, and Stealth Challenges will unlock abilities in the corresponding section of the Challenge Abilities list. The bonuses are far from the game changers presented by the larger skill trees, but they can make a difference over time. This is especially true in regards to the Traversal Abilities, as they are able to quicken travel time between points.

I’d recommend clearing out the nine Challenges found across the map as soon as possible. Not only will Miles be gifted with helpful skills, but you will be introduced to scenarios before they become common in later missions. Preparation pays off.

All Challenge Skills

Challenge AbilitiesTypePrerequisiteDescription
Spin CycleCombatCombat Challenge 1.0 completedWhen throwing an enemy, rapidly press Triangle during the throw to continue spinning them.
PaybackCombatCombat Challenge 1.0 and 2.0 completedPress Triangle after a Perfect Dodge against rifle and pistol shots for an instant Takedown.
Air MarshalCombatCombat Challenge 2.0 and 3.0 completedAir attacks deal additional damage and generate more Venom.
Point Launch BoostTraversalTraversal Challenge 1.0 completedPress X on contact when zipping to a point to massively boost Point Launch distance.
Quick RecoveryTraversalTraversal Challenge 1.0 and 2.0 completedAfter landing, press X during a roll to launch back into the air.
Quick ZipTraversalTraversal Challenge 2.0 and 3.0 completedWeb Zip with X a second time without losing altitude.
Silent StepStealthStealth Challenge 1.0 completedEnemies take longer to detect you in stealth.
Scare TacticsStealthStealth Challenge 1.0 and 2.0 completedStealth Takedowns generate more Venom.
Surprise AttackStealthStealth Challenge 2.0 and 3.0 completedUpgrades Web-Strike Takedowns so nearby enemies are knocked back.
