Bitlife can be considered one of the most unusual as well as most fun mobile games available, given how it allows players to roleplay through a whole life either as they wish or while tackling specific challenges. Now, here’s how to complete the Change of Heart challenge in Bitlife.
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How to Complete The Change of Heart Challenge in Bitlife
In order to complete the Change of Heart challenge in Bitlife your character of choice must pirate 5 or more porches before reaching 16 and then get arrested for it. Once you get sent to prison, you must then escape, donate blood, adopt a child, and become an exorcist. Any of the latter three actions can be completed in any order you wish.
Related: How to Redeem Gift Codes in Bitlife Life Simulator
You can check out quick guides on how to complete each of the mentioned steps and thus the Change of Heart Challenge in Bitlife below.
How To Pirate 5 or More Porches Before Turning 16 in Bitlife
You can pirate porches in Bitlife by heading to the Crime tab under Activities and then selecting Porch Pirate. You will be able to do it starting from age 9.
How to Get Sent to Prison
You can be sent to prison in Bitlife by getting caught doing anything illegal or by being accused of something and then proven guilty. In order to get caught fast and complete the challenge, we advise you to continue to perform the crime above until you are caught red-handed.
How to Escape From Prison in Bitlife
You can escape from prison in Bitlife by first selecting the Prison tab and then clicking on Escape. After doing so, just complete the minigame in order to be successful in your attempt.
How to Become an Exorcist After Escaping Prison
You can become an Exorcist by simply heading to jobs and then selecting the option among the available ones. There will be no requirements. It’s important to point out that whether or not the Exorcist position will be listed is up to chance, so it may take you a few attempts to find it.
How to Donate Blood After Escaping Prison
You can donate blood by simply heading to the Activities tab and then selecting Doctor before heading to Donate Blood. You will be able to perform the action as many times as you like.
How to Adopt a Child After Escaping Prison
You can adopt a child in Bitlife by heading to the Activities tab and then selecting Adopt. In this case, given your character’s criminal record, you will need to move to another country in order to do so and complete the challenge in one go.
This guide was made while playing Bitlife on Android.
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