Resident Evil 2 Remake: How to Stop Mr. X

February 2021 · 3 minute read

Resident Evil 2 brings back all the old staples of the series, and the original 1998 release. Returning to the game in big way is the mysterious Mr. X, who torments the player throughout their time in Raccoon City, but especially within the RPD. This menacing foe seems unstoppable, but there are actually a few key ways to either avoid, slow down, or totally make him go away for awhile. Here’s how to stop Mr. X in Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Mr. X first appears shortly after putting out the helicopter fire that stands in either Claire or Leon’s way. After this point, he will stick around the RPD and pursue you whenever possible. His menacing footsteps thunder through the building, signaling the approach of danger. How do you stop him?

How to Escape Mr. X

Well, the best way is to just avoid him entirely. When he’s nearby, you should run. You will move faster than him, so keep up your pace and you’ll leave him behind. Try to maneuver so that he’s walking down long hallways or stairwells, get furniture in his way, look for rooms with multiple exits, and never get cornered. If you have to do stuff around RPD, this is your best bet in stopping Mr. X from getting to you and delivering his haymaker punch.

You can turn and fight, of course, but the damage will be minimal. Actually, the damage will be none, as Mr. X is essentially invincible. Hit him with enough force though, such as a few Magnum or grenade launcher rounds, and he’ll pause for a bit. Once he stumbles and goes to a knee you will have an opening to get some distance between you and Mr. X.

Once you have that distance you can hide in safe rooms, where Mr. X cannot follow. Anything with a typewriter is usually safe from his pursuit. Stay in here and listen to his footsteps move away from you, then move quietly through RPD to whatever goal you have next. This is the real way to stop Mr. X, because the way to get him to disappear for a long stretch is to trigger certain story moments.

How to Stop Mr. X

I won’t spoil anything here, but basically if you are wondering how to stop Mr. X in Resident Evil 2, the answer is to work as hard and as fast as you can to finish your main story goals. Don’t worry too much about extra things, or side quests. Work on the main goal you have open right now, because at specific points in the story, such as after leaving RPD temporarily, Mr. X will go away and not return until a pre-determined time. If you trigger one of these moments, take it as an opportunity. Go all throughout RPD and clear out everything you can. Collect ammo, get your unlockable guns, everything. Once he comes back, you’ll have to run once again.

And that’s how to stop Mr. X in Resident Evil 2 Remake. If you have any tips of your own, be sure to share them in the comments below.
